IFAS at the University of Florida

Sample Pest Management Policy Statement (20 KB) - The first step in an IPM program is to inform teachers, staff and students about the school's policy. The notice can be printed and posted on bulletin boards.

Pest Sighting Log (5 KB) - A pest sighting log should be kept for each facility, building, floor, or room, whichever is most practical with your specific IPM plan. An individual (possibly the IPM Manager) should be identified to maintain and be responsible for this document. All employees in the given area should know who this person is and report any pest sightings accordingly. The pest manager reviews this document at the beginning of each visit and responds appropriately. Any treatments made should be recorded on this document by the pest manager. Review of this form should be included as part of the pest manager's periodic inspection process.

Cafeteria Inspection Checklist (8 KB) - Because food handling areas tend to be the source of many pest infestations, a separate inspection form is provided for cafeterias. This document can be used by the pest manager to ensure that a thorough inspection is completed. One of these checklists should be completed during each inspection. The pest manager should not limit the inspection solely to what is indicated on the checklist. Comments on the checklist provided by the pest manager should be reviewed by the IPM Coordinator or Maintenance personnel and appropriate action taken.

Intent to Apply Pesticides Form (5 KB) - Applying pesticides in a school environment results in a potential hazard. It is important for teachers and staff to be aware when a potentially dangerous situation exists. The "Intent to Apply Pesticides" form should be completed by the pest manager prior to treatment and submitted to an IPM Coordinator.

Sample Pesticide Application Notification Signs - The following notification signs are for posting when a pesticide with a warning or caution label is used. The signs are in both English and Spanish and have an area to list the re-entry date and time.