Carboxylic acid derivatives practice problems

This is a comprehensive practice problem covering most of the nucleophilic acyl substitution reactions of carboxylic acids and their derivatives.

Here is the content of this 1-hour video for the practice problem solutions:

The detailed mechanism for reactions such as Fischer esterification, ester hydrolysis, transesterification, the reaction of carboxylic acids with amines to produce salts and using coupling agent or converting them first to acyl chlorides using thionyl chlorides to prepare amides.

The mechanisms of acid or base-catalyzed hydrolysis of amides, imines, nitriles, and esters. The similarity and difference of the Grignard and Organocuprates reactions with esters, acid chlorides, anhydrides and nitriles, and their mechanisms.

You can also find all of these reactions in one powerful summary sheet which is part of the Organic 1 and 2 Summary guides and included in CS memberships.

Reactions of Carboxylic Acids and Carboxylic Acid Derivatives

This beautiful Summary Guide includes the Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution mechanism also referred to as an Addition-Elimination mechanism, the mechanism of Fischer esterification.

The reaction of esters such as reversible hydrolysis under acidic and irreversible hydrolysis under basic conditions, transesterification, and all the others with nucleophiles and reducing agents.

You will have a comprehensive summary of the preparation and all the major reactions of Carboxylic Acids, Anhydrides, Esters, Acid (acyl) Chlorides, Amides, and Nitriles. All the common patterns, as well as the details for specific reactions for example with the Grignard reagent and Organocuprates of each derivative, are addressed in the given section.

Attempt solving each problem before checking the answer and solution.

Here is also a 45-question, Multiple-Choice Quiz with a 50 min Video Solution on the reactions of carboxylic acids and their derivatives.