How to Word a Write-Up for Being Tardy at Your Workplace

Write-ups aren't as bad as terminations, but they're still no fun. Supervisors prepare write-ups so they can consistently apply workplace policies; however, it's difficult writing up bad news to give an employee. Nevertheless, an effective write-up for excessive tardiness at work is factual, brief and to the point. Before you prepare the final version of a write-up, do a draft and read it aloud a couple of times before you give it to the employee.

Employee Handbook

Any type of disciplinary action must be consistent with company policy, explains Sesco Management Consultants. Before you prepare a first warning letter for tardiness, check your employee handbook to ensure applicable procedures. Some employers let the first or second tardy arrivals slide and begin disciplinary action once the employee has established a pattern of being late.

At some point, everybody gets a late start or experiences heavier-than-usual traffic. Also, review your supervisor's or manager's guidelines on how to effectively counsel employees on the importance of punctuality. If you're unclear on the disciplinary process, ask a human resources staff member to assist you.

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Disciplinary Process

Depending on your company's structure and its HR presence, you may need HR's support for all disciplinary matters, including write ups for tardiness and absenteeism. In many cases, however, it's the employee's immediate supervisor who handles disciplinary issues concerning attendance. If you needs HR's assistance or coordination in issuing this write-up, have documentation available to support your reason for the write-up, such as clock-in times or log-in reports that track the employee's hours worked.

Write-up at Work Examples

Draft the disciplinary warning using firm, yet positive language, but don't let the written action substitute for personal coaching about tardiness. Be brief and refer to documentation that supports the warning. For example, you could write, "ABC Company's policy states that employees will receive written disciplinary action for tardiness, beginning with the third occurrence. Your attendance records indicate that you were 35 minutes late on March 31, 2013; 40 minutes late on April 2, 2013; and 55 minutes late on April 19, 2013. This is the first written warning for tardiness; employees who receive three written warnings for the same infraction are subject to a three-day, unpaid suspension."

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Private Meeting

Present the employee with the write-up in a private meeting where you explain how her co-workers depend on her to be on time and that the company pays her to put in a full day's work. Refrain from questions that might be misconstrued as inquiries about her health, such as, "Previously, you gave your team leader advance notice of the time you planned to arrive after a doctor's appointment. Did you have another appointment with your doctor?" Inquiring about health-related matters violates the confidentiality regulations to which employers must adhere, namely the 1996 federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

Corrective Plan

Organizations such as Durham Tech expect employees to follow an improvement plan that outlines expectations of appropriate behavior and standards. Give the employee a copy of the write-up for her personal files that includes a corrective plan of action, and tell her that you're going to put the original document in her personnel file.

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Also, explain that you'll review her attendance in 90 days to ensure she's working diligently to improve. When she shows improvement in her attendance, tell the employee that you'll update the disciplinary warning with notes about her on-time performance. On the other hand, if the employee doesn't show improvement, explain the next step in the disciplinary process.

Other Considerations

To be on the safe side, refrain from using accusatory language or words that might be taken as a threat, such as, "If you don't get to work on time, you could be fired." Also, follow your workplace policy to the letter. For example, if your company policy removes disciplinary warnings from the employee's personnel file after one year, don't bring up attendance issues or discipline warnings further back than a year.
